Here we are in January so time for a health check

Published on January 25, 2016 by Andrew

The first part of the Year is an excellent time for planning and considering your goals for the forthcoming year and, in reality, you’ve most likely already done some this by contemplating your New Year resolutions. What have you focused on achieving this year?  getting fit?  stopping a bad habit? Or perhaps starting a good one?

Many of us are pretty good at making these types of resolutions however, honestly, the resolution you should make during the early part of the year is financial.

2016 represents yet another chance for us to work on the goals we wish to achieve. Maybe this can be the year you save sufficient money to retire a little earlier. Maybe it’s even the year you actually retire early!  Perhaps your present goals are not related to your old age, what about saving towards your children’s future education, or finally obtaining what you require to buy your dream home?

No matter what your objectives, and they’re going to be individual to yourself, the New Year is the perfect time to examine them again, reflect on your goals and redouble your determination to get there.

Whilst you’re still in your New Year resolution mind set.   Could these resolutions become a touch more financial? More connected to your life goals?

We look forward to assisting you in achieving these goals and aspirations!

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